

Real and Pragmatic

Our mission is to offer to our customers the best service available on the market, in terms of quality and customer assistance.
Our know how is available to our customers to match the technical requirements for seals and overmoulding on plastic and metal


GUARNIZIONI INDUSTRIALI S.r.l. - Sede legale: via S.Pietro,9 24060 Tavernola (BG) - Magazzini e ufficio: via Garibaldi 51/53 25030 Paratico (BS)
Capitale sociale interamente versato 100.000.00 Euro - R.E.A. di BG n. 160181 – Codice Fiscale/P.IVA e Reg. Imp. 00616810164
Tel 0039.35.924811 - Fax 0039.35.924888 -