

Continuous Improvement:

Our customer has to be guaranteed through a service and a product at the best market levels; our experience and the customer fidelisation are the fuel that allow us to reach new goals and prepare us to face new challenges with growing and renewed energy


GUARNIZIONI INDUSTRIALI S.r.l. - Sede legale: via S.Pietro,9 24060 Tavernola (BG) - Magazzini e ufficio: via Garibaldi 51/53 25030 Paratico (BS)
Capitale sociale interamente versato 100.000.00 Euro - R.E.A. di BG n. 160181 – Codice Fiscale/P.IVA e Reg. Imp. 00616810164
Tel 0039.35.924811 - Fax 0039.35.924888 -