

Our company is on business since 1976, year of foundation. From then for over thirty-five years we've passed through a natural evolution to be at the state of the art of the current technologies,market and customer needs

The share of the guidelines at every company's level and the responsabilization of all the company's functions allow each target as an armonic expression fo the workgroup

GUARNIZIONI INDUSTRIALI S.r.l. - Sede legale: via S.Pietro,9 24060 Tavernola (BG) - Magazzini e ufficio: via Garibaldi 51/53 25030 Paratico (BS)
Capitale sociale interamente versato 100.000.00 Euro - R.E.A. di BG n. 160181 – Codice Fiscale/P.IVA e Reg. Imp. 00616810164
Tel 0039.35.924811 - Fax 0039.35.924888 -